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Clean Water For
A Lifetime

Providing clean drinking water and sanitation to UNDER-SERVED communities


Water Changes Everything

Throughout Uganda and much of the world, women and children lose several hours each day trying to find water that is contaminated and unsafe. The water is often found in deep, slick, and dangerous hand-dug wells.

Through grassroots relationship building and long-term involvement, we collaboratively develop a solution to bring out clean water’s full potential in the communities we serve.


Our Work


Our Story

MissionCleanWater started when our founder, James Leitner, learned that 1 billion people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water. To show what these women and children face every day, he has completed a long list of symbolic and unique fundraisers.

To symbolize the distance women and children must walk every day to find water, he completed one marathon a month for a year. He walked 3,250 miles from New Jersey to California while pulling 10 gallons of water, representing the total distance a child walks in one year to gather water. James walked 100 miles in 32 hours while carrying 5 gallons of water, and has more in store. These efforts build awareness of what life is like without clean water.

Through collaboration and consultation with international development organizations, James is working to ensure that everyone has access to clean water.


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