MissionCleanWater Winter Wonderland
Road Race
Saturday, December 12th, 2020 8:00am
Downtown Fanwood
$25 for Runners, $40 for a family
Runners will be provided a map with 4-5 checkpoints to reach. They must decide the best path to reach those checkpoints. There is a family event where families can do up to 1 mile with their kids and explore the beautiful areas of Fanwood. The running heat is expected to be 4ish miles Please note, this is a minimalist race to lower our race costs, please bring your own food and hydration supplies.
Trail Race
Sunday,December 13th 8:00am
Watchung Reservation
5k, 10k, 10 miler $25
half, Full l$35
Runners will be provided a map of multiple checkpoints. Based on their distance, they will be given a list of specific checkpoints they must reach. For the longer distances, runners will complete multiple maps to give them opportunity to resupply.